Being a Parent Participation Preschool means just that: our parents join together to help run the school. At Wesbrook Preschool, every family helps out in a variety of ways, and the primary goal is to give our children great early learning experience.
A Parent Participation Preschool allows families to be actively involved in their child’s education. This requires commitment from each family to help our school run successfully. Each preschool family agrees to:
- Volunteer as a “teacher’s assistant” once a month in the classroom (a fabulous opportunity to observe your child in the classroom and to perhaps learn a thing or two from our teachers).*
- Perform a job that benefits the preschool at large for the duration of the school year. Jobs range from treasurer to library and require various levels of commitment and time (average time commitment 3hrs/month).
- Attending bi-monthly parent education meetings by one family representative. These meetings take place at the preschool on the second Wednesday of every second month in the evening.
- Participate in fundraising activities to support the school.
Each toddler family agrees to:
- Attend each session with your child;
- Attend one meeting per term (Term 1 Oct – Dec, Term 2 Jan – Mar, Term 3 April – June);
- Assist in tidying and set-up in the classroom once during a term.

Bike-A-Thon Fundraiser
We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia.